Santoku Corporation Co., Ltd. Information Equipment Department is psychologically scared and disgusted by stimulating the essential intuition of human beings by concretely showing the dangers that exist in various workplaces by combining VR technology and mechatronics technology. We are developing the software “RiMM Virtual Reality Disaster Experience System” that makes you feel a sense of danger and raises risk sensitivity.
Our division manager, Susumu Matsuda, was interviewed by the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun “Companies that confront adversity” published on September 25, 2020 about “RiMM Virtual Realty Disaster Experience System”. It was published in the paper.
In the interview
- Features of the RiMM
- Why it is used in many industries
- Future strategy
Matsuda answers the question about.
Please take a look at the key point explanation about “RiMM Virtual Reality Disaster Experience System” by Matsuda.