In 2021, we have listed all 16 publications that introduced RiMM in various media. In addition to Japan, many people from the United States and India have confirmed this. Thank you very much for 2021, and we will continue to work in the future.
(1) Toyo Keizai BRIDGE article posted
January “Disaster experience software using virtual reality VR that changes safety awareness and learning motivation”
(2) APAC CIO Outlook Article published in American Economic Magazine
January “VR that continues to evolve for people”
(3) The CEO View American economic magazine / article publication
January “Top 10 Trustworthy companies of the year”
(4) Japan Management Association CONNECT WEB media article posting for members
February “I want to contribute to all kinds of safety improvements-High-quality safety education with VR technology that approaches the sense of substance-“
(5) Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, national newspaper, articles
March “Experience disaster proceedings with VR (improve safety awareness at the site)”
(6) APAC CIO Outlook American Economic Magazine Article
April “Virtual humanoid that evolves and brings peace of mind
(7) CIO Coverage American economic magazine / article publication
May “Best Innovative Companies to Watch in 2021”
(8) India Forbes, India, article publication
June “Manufacturing Industries with Disaster Response Training Simulator”
(9) Food factory manager monthly magazine / article publication
June “Experience the danger experience education using VR by the editorial staff of this magazine!”
(10) Weekly Economist Weekly magazines and articles
June “Experience danger with VR Safety education”
(11) The Executive Headlines American Economic Magazine / Article
July “20 Innovative Companies to Watch of 2021”
(12) Water services newspaper, industry newspaper, article publication
Half-October: Safety education using VR “Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau”
(13) Toyo Keizai ASPECT article posted
October “Continuing evolution to protect the” safety “of people and the earth” Nichirei Logi talk
(14) Logistics Nippon Industry newspaper / article publication
November “Experience” fear “with all five senses (safety education” manneri “escape)” Hitachi Transport System talks
(15) The CEO View American economic magazine / article publication
November “50 Innovators of the year”
(16) Insight Success American economic magazine / article publication
December “RiMM contributes to society by creating methods and safety ideas that enhance safety.”